Terms & Conditions
Genius Filters and Systems Private Limited provides filtration products & services subject to certain terms / conditions under assumption that visitors accepted the same.
Unless otherwise specified, the information provided on this site, including text, images, and links, are provided “AS IS” by Genius Filters and Systems Private Limited solely as a firsthand information to its visitors. This information is without any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. This website is controlled and operated from Bengaluru, India.
Genius Filters and Systems Private Limited, assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions on this site which are referenced by or linked to this site. This site could include technical or other inaccuracies, and not all products or services referenced herein are available in all areas. Changes are periodically added to the information, and Genius Filters and Systems Private Limited may change the products or services described in this publication at any time. Contact your local Genius Filters and Systems Private Limited authorized representative for further information before relying on any information contained herein.
Reviews, Comments, email & other data / content.
Visitors may post reviews, comments & other data / content like ideas, suggestions, questions as long as the content is legal and not injuring the business interests viz. defamatory, obscene, threat, privacy invasion, intellectual property infringement, illegal etc. Visitors must avoid forwarding / spamming company emails by mass mailings, commercial solicitations etc. In such cases, Genius Filters and Systems Private Limited reserves all rights to delete such email/s which are unpleasant & harmful to the smooth conduct of business.